"Fearfully and Wonderfully made..."

"Fearfully and Wonderfully made..."
"...You have shown me great kindness in a strong city"

Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's Been A Long Time...

Wow, I did not want this much time to past by in between my posts. I reactivated my account on FB and didn't look back! However, I do know that this should continue to remain a priority. Many things have taken place since my last post, the biggest thing being the summer intensive program that I was apart of. Man, they put the INTENSE in INTENSive. I was challenged on every level one could imagine! There were times when I questioned if I even wanted to pursue dance as a career! But I have come to learn (and still learning) that if God has created me for a certain thing He will work everything out. Reminds me of before the program even started I was still debating if I was going to do it or if I could even afford it, it wasn't until the week before the program began that I realized I had no idea how I was going to eat. No joke! My schedule was formed in a way that I had no time to eat unless it was some type of snack I could eat on the go. Then I wondered how eating snacks would help keep me from passing out in class. This would lead me to wonder if I got healthy snacks how much it would cost. Then that would lead me to think about the lack of hours I would be working and if I would then have the funds to pay for any food at all, healthy or non-healthy. The Holy Spirit began to remind me of the book of Exodus (16) when God provided the children of Israel with manna from Heaven and I believe it was quail also.  The verse came to mind of when they gathered the food he who gathered much did not have too much as in having leftovers and he who gathered little didn't have too little. Everyone had just as much as he or she needed. This then reminded me of the author of Proverbs 30 which asked God to not give him too much nor too little but to give him his daily bread. Yes my friends, I am happy to tell all of you that God is true to his word :) Throughout the entire summer I always had portions to eat that sustained my body through every rigorous hour of dance, running, and exercise.
I know this may not seem too important to many but it was a big deal to me! That God would even take care of something as small as what I would eat each day. Over the course of the program I was challenged in my faith. The realized that there was a God but did not believe the whole Jesus thing. That was just too much. My point is why would God spend all this time in creating us just to leave us here on this earth to fend for ourselves. One person stated that faith is only when certain things happen and we can explain why only that some Stronger Force in the universe allowed it to happen. Sad. Why would Someone that took the time to thought out how I would be formed take the time to form me and then just leave me helpless in the world. Not even earthly mothers have the heart to do that unless they are under the influence of something that would taint their thinking.... just something to think about.
I was also challenged to take God out of the box that I had been placing Him in. I'm still needing prayer about a few things concerning this one. It may be simple but there needs to be a lot of Holy Spirit speaking and confirmation. Got to do some dance moves I wasn't used to doing, dancing publicly to music I'm not used to dancing to. Even in all of this the wheels were turning in my head in how could I take what I'm doing and use it for the glory of God. A few things came to mind but there is still a haze of how everything is supposed to look like. We shall see what the future holds. I have been forming new choreo in my head and had a chance to hammer it out in the studio a bit. Hopefully when I get some more opportunities to hit the studio I will be able to post some of the things I've been working on/ what God's been doing in me.
There are so many things I could write about but I'm lacking time so I guess I'll draw things to a close. But if any of you are wondering God has surpassed my expectations of provision! He is so good to me. I'm seeing more than just financial provision but provision of strength as well. I've been a bit tired the past 2 weeks but God has been encouraging me, giving me strength from day to day to work, home, and other dance practices that I have, be it atmosphere or BT dance. Well this is all for now. 'til next time :)


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