Hi everyone! It's been a while since I've posted anything. Figured I should drop a quick update. Since my last post I have left Metro Ministries in hopes to work more with Project Dance. The School of Urban Ministry hasn't started but I have been attending their dance company's practices every Wednesday night which have been amazing! So before I left Metro I was constantly under attack from the enemy. I struggled with anxiety and condemnation so much, things got a little hard towards the end and I'm sure it was all part of the enemy's plan. Before I left Metro I wrote this in my journal " The past few weeks I've been struggling with anxiety and depression. Fighting thoughts of what if I fail? God isn't going to use me after I leave here. Thoughts of being a quitter fills my mind. Then I think ' Wasn't it God who told me to take this step i the first place?' I even remembered one day being in tears asking God if He was really going to be with me and if He could just assure me if everything was going to be alright.
I just want to say this; I feel so INCREDIBLY BLESSED to have made it to the other end of the spectrum! I'm so glad God allowed me to take that leap of faith. Since I have left God has showed up in AMAZING ways! He has blessed my faith in Him! I've had some close calls but my Father in heaven has shown Himself EXTREMELY FAITHFUL! I am flabbergasted at how faithful He is in provided everything I needed from places I would have never expected. It's like I'm meeting Him all over again. My First Love. I pray that it continues and that this Love will continue to grow stronger and stronger. Friends not only am I blessed but I am highly favored :) because He is good :)
AMTC will be in New Jersey next week and I am going to go and audition. Prayerfully if it's the LORD's will everything will work out well. I will also be starting work August 3rd. Thank you guys for all of your prayers and support!