"Fearfully and Wonderfully made..."

"Fearfully and Wonderfully made..."
"...You have shown me great kindness in a strong city"

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Hey guys! I didn't get to tell you all about how the Black History dance time line turned out or what happened during the past 2 months. Here is a little newsletter I sent someone.
I help the teenagers that are apart of our youth group we call Revolution. I am over the performing arts aspect. The last thing I choreographed was a time line dance for our Black History service. ! It took a lot of practices and grace but overall the teens did GREAT! 

We also did a scavenger hunt in Times Square for all the teens in our youth group. You can imagine the craziness that went with that. There were 50 teenagers that signed up to go! So what I had to do, along with five others was dress up in a disguise and walk around in a public area in Times Square until someone spotted me. When they think they recognized me or any of the other people they had to say “My underwear is too tight” then we would have to respond “Yes, that happened to me yesterday”. Can you imagine 50 teens around 9:00 at night running around Times Square and going up to random strangers saying “My underwear’s too tight”? It was too funny but the really cool thing is that NO ONE found me. NO ONE!!!!!!! The disguise I chose to go with was a man. .

It was an amazing night! I had so much fun the teens enjoyed it as well.
  We then went back to the church and we had a lock in at the gym.
It was a very fun weekend! As crazy and moody as teens can be sometimes I can honestly say that I enjoyed myself by just hanging out with the teens. The basis for the lock in was just for fellowship. I believe that sometimes when trying to minister to teens they really won’t listen to a thing you say if you don’t have that positive relationship with them. And most of them won’t want to step foot in a church because they feel that there’s nothing for them there but the lock in was to show the teens you can still have positive fun and serve God and that there is ALWAYS a place for them in the house of God. 


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1 Corinthians 15:58

Hey everyone I just want to ask for your prayers. I don't normally do this but it's been a very unusual month so far. I know the LORD is at work and is doing something new. It's just hard to grasp.
Within the past month there has been 3 deaths with young people that have been involved with the ministry here. The first 2 were sisters that were killed in a fire about 3 weeks ago not to far from where we are. I remember one Monday stepping outside and seeing 2 helicopters side by side hovering in place. as I walked down the side walk I could see the street was blocked off and there were tons lights from fire trucks and ambulances. Crowds of people were outside. I didn't go to see what was going on but the next day I went to work I saw a picture of a girl that I had seen quite a few times in our Sunday school. I remember her coming to our teen camp and one memory jumped out to mind when I was walking home one night and saw her walking her little brother home from the laundry mat. We talked for a bit and laughed a little and then we parted ways. That very same girl was killed in the fire that happened that Monday.
Saturday, I met a guy named Josh during my break. He was telling me how he used to be a kid and he would always come to Sunday School. He had left for a few years because of a few things but had come back and now wanted to be apart of the ministry and allow God to use him. His excitement about this place was unreal! After doing this for a while it can be a bit mundane and you begin to wonder why anyone would do this but it's always good to know that you're doing something for God. I encouraged Josh in his dream to help out in the ministry and we parted ways. I saw him in church on Sunday but I didn't get to say hi.
At 6pm today Josh was shot in the face under a train track. It killed him instantly.
Before this semester started I asked the founder of the ministry about motives, drive, and passion. How does one continue in full time ministry after years and years of the same thing? Especially when it seems like the enemy is winning. I know it has to be something that God does. I believe in Romans 8:28 that says that God uses ALL things for good. I want this time, even though it's hard to understand everything to not allow me to become discouraged or hardened but to drive me and give me a sense of urgency to serve God with a pure heart with pure motives. Please pray that Christ's love would compel me to generously tell the Gospel to those who come across my path. Please pray for these people families as they go through this time, I know they would greatly appreciate it. Thank you all for your love and support.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Black Tie

Hey guys! Sorry for the long break in between posts. A few things have happened since my last post. I got asked to dance at this black tie event for the World Youth Parliament. It took place at St. John's University towards the end of March. I am still very grateful to be able to participate in something new. To be able to share my gifts in a new place. I had a great time. My friends came out to support me. I didn't find out until I got there that the black tie standard was a bit relaxed :) but that was fine. I saw so many other amazing talented Christians that were also apart of it. I'm going to see if I can get a copy of everyone that was involved. God is so great! I'm amazed at how He just opens doors!  Anyway I did a spoken word piece to Amena Brown "You", one of my favorites. I know there is a video on here already but I want to post it again. We weren't sure how the dance would turn out because of the video and spacing but we decided that I would dance in front of the words. I wasn't sure if it was going to distract the audience but after I did it someone said that they was watching it from backstage and although they couldn't see me they saw my shadow and they were so amazed at how it went with the words at just the right time. They said it was very powerful. So I hope you enjoy this piece again!
